Page author: Julie Jones
Suillus punctatipes

Habitat: S. punctatipes is common in our moist conifer forests in fall, sometimes appearing in substantial numbers with true fir and western hemlock.

Conservation Status: Not of concern

Identification Notes:

Suillus punctatipes is named for the conspicuous brownish glandular dots on the stipe. The cap is typically very viscid, some shade of brown, and often appears radially streaked on the margin. The stipe is rather short, yellow at the apex and whitish below, and darkens when handled. There is no veil. The tubes are yellowish to whitish or tan and stain brownish when bruised. The pores are large and often elongated to compound, a feature that helps to separate S. punctatipes from S. granulatus, a similar-looking species associated with pine. As it gets older, it often becomes dingy and unattractive.

Accepted Name:
Suillus punctatipes (Snell & E.A. Dick) Snell & E.A. Dick

Synonyms & Misapplications:
(none provided)
Additional Resources:

PNW Herbaria: Specimen records of Suillus punctatipes in the Consortium of Pacific Northwest Herbaria database

CalPhotos: Suillus punctatipes photos

3 photographs:
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